Saturday 27 September 2014


For our music video we have chosen the song Trials Of The Past by SBTRKT. Due to the eery vibe of the Indie Pop song we have come up with an idea of a dark woods at sunset, leading into night time. There are woods near where we all live so I have been location scouting and taken some pictures of the woods we are thinking of using.

These are the images I have acquired of the location we were thinking about using. I got a close up and an establishing shot so it would give more information when it comes to decided on a location. My initial thoughts are that although the forest is a nice scenery and would work well, it may be difficult to film at night. Without the sunlight to our advantage we would have to improvise and somehow produce a light to shoot our music video. The forest was a good location for our video because the song is quite creep and our initial idea was to create a video with a main character who is lost and cannot find his way home, or understand where he is.

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